My updates are far and few between since my personal computer decided it had enough. This has forced me to shoot all of my pictures on a 8 GB card. I'm running out of space and need to dump it soon. I also have wedding photos to finish. The point I'm trying to make is tomorrow is my first day off in what seems a million years and I will hopefully get photographs edited and sorted and this blog updated.
On another note I feel myself growing and learning but I just fear the pace isn't soon enough. I've been searching for a story to work on in Saginaw but finding one is much more difficult than I expected. Saginaw is a weird town. So active, yet extremely dead. Extremely ghetto, and overly po-dunk. A city divided by a river. A good side and a bad side. It is a story DYING to be told.
How do you tell it? I mean it seems simple correct? I guess it all boils down to access and in all honesty the single thing that is holding me back from creating something beautiful. How do you enter into the "Woods" (East side river neighborhood known for being an extremely rough neighborhood) and say hey I'm white, but I want to tell people about you with out getting shot?
White people aren't held highly in the eyes of those on the East side and who can blame them? These are the same people who get away with corporate crimes, but face a fine and a few days in jail. Now contrast that to people living in burnt out homes stealing copper piping so they can eat at night and they face all kinds of charges.
The city is so racially divided it is unreal and I fear neither side cares to hear the others story. I hate the fact I have a dress code. I love dressing up for work, but try wearing dress clothes in area that is overly poverty stricken. I stick out everywhere I go and I hate that. How do you tell someone, "Hey I know what your going through, but I'm dressed like this." To them I'm just another white person using them for my advantage.
More to come I promise.