Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Friday Again

It's Friday again. That means high school football.

Fulton High is literally surrounded by corn fields. They come so close to the building that I'm willing to bet a dollar I can reach both arms out and touch the school and the stalks at the same time.

Ashley (who tagged along for fun) and I approach the field. I take some test shots as these golden rays of light peak over the top of the trees. The light is perfect. In my head I know it's only a matter of minutes before it will be lost.

The teams come out, introductions are made and the National Anthem is played. There and then it hits me. I feel that pain in my stomach. Don't worry it's not kidney stones or diarrhea, but nerves.

The cool dry air with a sight breeze from the west, the orange cast of a dusty sunset, green grass, white jerseys and the sound of people cheering make me suddenly miss it.

The ball is kicked and I turn to Ashley and I say, "I just want to hit someone."

Unless you have ever played, you will never truly know that feeling.


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