Monday, April 21, 2008

A first attempt and failure at fashion

These were my favorite. I don't know what makes a good fashion photo and I had the worst time trying to figure out how these should be toned. So I toned them to the way I like, and I'm sure they would could look better, and I'm sure I have images that some would argue are better. But for now you get these.

So close and so far away

Summer finally arrived in Michigan. A few days late but at least it is here. My life and schedule have come full swing and smacked me in the face. School is not going well. Well school is fine, but my photo classes are not. Again I find myself so frustrated with not being where I need to be. My photo skills are improving, but they are just not where I want them.

I'm growing I guess.
I'm slowly seeing my work turn for the better, but it isn't turning fast enough. Which leaves me to question do I have the vision? I can pick out a great photo when it comes to editing. But when I feel like I don't see those photo's that everyone else takes.

CM Life
I will selected as the Photo Editor for the Summer and Fall. I'm excited and have a lot plans/changes for this paper. I just hope I can keep the balance between work and school. The end of this semester is so close but I just can't seem to ever get out of the office, or get my school work done.

If I finish my history paper I will give you some sweet fashion stuff tonight. If I don't finish you will have to wait until tomorrow.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I love New Orleans and our cruise to Mexico was a lot of fun too. The plane ride was horrible though. We were up all night and only had a few hours sleep and our flight in Houston was postponed for 15min because of weather which turned into about 4 hours of sitting in stale airplane cabin.

You might be surprised to find out Jessica doesn't like to fly. I know it's hard to tell by the look on her face but she was terrified and was a little upset I was taking her picture even though I felt bad taking it.

Drinks and shopping were in order for Cozumel. What a cool shit hole it was. It was as hot as it gets and street vendors out for blood. When it was all said and done we left a little dehydrated, really tired, a few bags and tequalized. PS These drinks are huge and mine was about 9 parts tequila and one part ice and it put me in my place.

New Orleans is amazing. I love this city. The music, the food, the people, everything is wonderful. There is strip club (one in a million) on Bourbon Street that has a window where the dancer is silhouetted on stage. I kept waiting for an old couple to walk by and it happened a few times, but never in unison with the stripper. 

There are a million more photo's and I hope you enjoy these in the mean time tell I get home. Off to Jazz-fest I am.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wanting to done with school

This week has flown by and I feel like every time I accomplish one of my tasks two or three more appear out of thin air.
I'm leaving for our cruise on Friday, (no post between Friday and next Sunday) and I can't seem to finish my tasks.

Tomorrow I will be design editor Matthew Stephens for the day and honestly I'm not prepared. I haven't taken the proper steps into learning this job. It's because I keep telling myself I don't want this job because of the work load, but really I don't want it because I'm afraid to fail. It is the same reason I haven't applied for my PR internship I'm afraid I will not know my AP Style well enough and I will make an idiot of myself and get fired.

So instead of doing something about all of this I sit here and stress over it. I can't stop thinking about getting my taxes filled before I leave, finding someone to cover my shift at Boarders Corner Store
I promise to give you some pictures today. Promise.