Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wanting to done with school

This week has flown by and I feel like every time I accomplish one of my tasks two or three more appear out of thin air.
I'm leaving for our cruise on Friday, (no post between Friday and next Sunday) and I can't seem to finish my tasks.

Tomorrow I will be design editor Matthew Stephens for the day and honestly I'm not prepared. I haven't taken the proper steps into learning this job. It's because I keep telling myself I don't want this job because of the work load, but really I don't want it because I'm afraid to fail. It is the same reason I haven't applied for my PR internship I'm afraid I will not know my AP Style well enough and I will make an idiot of myself and get fired.

So instead of doing something about all of this I sit here and stress over it. I can't stop thinking about getting my taxes filled before I leave, finding someone to cover my shift at Boarders Corner Store
I promise to give you some pictures today. Promise.

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